ARCS-IM/BT - 125 kHz multi-prox + 13.56 MHz + Bluetooth® multi-technology reader
STid simplify your migrations from old 125 kHz Prox technologies (HID Proximity®, AWID, INDALA, IOPROX, EM) to secure and mobile technologies. The Architect® Blue Hybrid Multi-Prox access control reader combining three identification technologies - 125 kHz + 13.56 MHz + Bluetooth®.
STid simplify your migrations from old 125 kHz Prox technologies (HID Proximity®, AWID, INDALA, IOPROX, EM) to secure and mobile technologies. The Architect® Blue Hybrid Multi-Prox access control reader combining three identification technologies - 125 kHz + 13.56 MHz + Bluetooth®.
STid simplify your migrations from old 125 kHz Prox technologies (HID Proximity®, AWID, INDALA, IOPROX, EM) to secure and mobile technologies. The Architect® Blue Hybrid Multi-Prox access control reader combining three identification technologies - 125 kHz + 13.56 MHz + Bluetooth®.
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